Family Meal Program
Neighbors feeding neighbors with our neighborhood grown food. Nothing could be simpler or better reflect the core of A Single Bite’s mission.
In 2020, COVID-19 shuttered Sullivan County schools, we enhanced our food-based mission to help feed local families seriously at risk for hunger.
A Single Bite partners with school districts, food pantries, and community organizations to support rural, food insecure families by delivering nutritious, prepared meals.
A Single Bite and Foster Supply Hospitality are fully committed to continue the Family Meal Program, to expand offerings and explore new resources for our community.
Each Free Family Meal serves three people at a cost of $5 per container. Meals are scratch-made using local ingredients and portions are provided to meet the needs of individual family size.
Fresh Product Redistribution
Reducing food waste while getting fresh, quality products to
Sullivan County’s network of food pantries.
All too often the food pantries that support our neighbors in need don’t have the option to offer their recipients fresh and preserved local products.
A Single Bite + Catskills Food Hub, in partnership with the Sullivan Catskills Food Security Coalition, is working to provide pantry participants with healthy foods while also reducing local food waste. At least twice a month pantries have the opportunity to receive fresh, donated surplus fruits and vegetables from Sullivan and Orange County producers that would have otherwise been discarded.
Food Storage Space
Storage options for producers, food pantries, and schools to keep local product accessible and fresh all year round.
The A Single Bite + Catskills Food Hub facility offers pallet storage for both refrigerated and frozen food items.
Equipped with a raised loading dock, a ground-level bay, multiple pallet relocation methods, and after-hours access options, farmers can take advantage of secure, affordable, and centrally located storage and distribution possibilities just minutes off NY-17 in the heart of Sullivan County.
Click here to request more information about storage options.